Do job hunters need good looks or a good resume?
With the job market crowded with potential candidates, some employers said a person’s good looks rank higher than a good resume.
When it comes to corporate America, good grooming has always been essential. These days, many job seekers are wondering if you really need to be gorgeous to land an office job.
Craig Madans has owned several companies and said the rules have changed. He said he can be as picky as he wants when staffing his office.
“It’s basically no different than even buying a product,” said Madans. “You have two similar products, and one might be better than the other. The packaging is what always counts.”
The job market is full of unemployed professionals competing for jobs.
“They’re looking for the extra edge,” said Madans.
Plastic Surgeon Dr. Stephan Finical said some people think if they want to get work, they might need a little work done.
Visibly older candidates suffer the longest stints of unemployment. Finical said that is a big reason why Botox sales are booming.
“If you saw an older person that looked refreshed and looked energetic and enthusiastic and confident, the age wouldn’t matter if their appearance was really good,” said Finical.
Madans said the real reason businesses want youth and beauty is actually barter-based. No matter what a company is selling, they are fighting for the sale.
“You want to make the product and the services that you’re offering to look as appealing as they possibly can,” said Madans.
A Newsweek survey questioned more than 200 hiring managers and about 1,000 job seekers. It found 57 percent of hiring managers said qualified candidates get passed over if they are also unattractive. Most managers in the survey even placed looks above education.
Source: By Anna Marie Hartman, October 21, 2010 for