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FDA Takes Stand Against Homeopathic hCG

February 4, 2011 |

There certainly was a lot of buzz regarding homeopathic hCG. The FDA and the homeopathic industry both agree that homeopathic hCG doesn’t exist. “Homeopathic hCG is not recognized in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Therefore, it is not recognized by the FDA as homeopathic drugs, so they are unapproved drugs and are illegal. All lab tests on homeopathic hCG have found that it contains nothing more than sugar and water, not even a trace of hCG. Taking homeopathic hCG without a physicians supervision is very dangerous!” It looks like the FDA may start going after these homeopathic sales people since taking sugar water has not been found to help anyone lose weight.

I don’t want to appear as though I’m going after the homeopathic industry (but this news program wasn’t so kind). However,it appears there is no such thing as homeopathic hCG, and what you do find on the internet is nothing more than sugar water. There are other products that are actually homeopathic, but hCG is not one of them. Most people who take homeopathic hCG gain all their weight back, in addition you don’t get the other benefits of taking real hCG like: reduced appetite, increased metabolism & new body weight reset. If you take homeopathic hCG you are just doing a Very Low Caloric Diet (which they recommend not having less than 800 calories/day), or ketogenic diet. All of these diets need to be done only under the supervision of a physician, after you have completed your labs. There have been NO clinical studies done with “homeopathic” hCG, they were all done with pure, prescription strength hCG. The FDA clearly states that there is no such thing as homeopathic hCG.

If you take homeopathic hCG you are just doing a Very Low Caloric Diet (which they recommend not having less than 800 calories/day), or ketogenic diet. All of these diets need to be done only under the supervision of a physician, after you have completed your labs. If you are thinking about going on an hCG diet program, it’s important you work with a physician who is familar with the program.

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