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IAPAM’s hCG Training is Consistent with Dr. Oz regarding hCG for Weight Loss

June 28, 2011 |

The IAPAM has trained over 350 physicians on how to safely offer hCG for weight loss, and well over 10,000 patients have successfully lost weight using the IAPAM’s Exclusive hCG Protocol. The core principles of the IAPAM’s hCG Training are consistent with those outlined by Dr. Oz in his recent interview for First for Women magazine.  The IAPAM agrees with the key messages in Dr. Oz’s article: it is imperative for patients to undertake an hCG program under the care of a trained physician, and never use hCG (homeopathic hCG) that is sold without a prescription.
In his recent interview in the June 27, 2011 issue of First for Women magazine (, Dr. Oz delivers several key messages regarding the safe and effective use of pharmaceutical grade hCG in a physician-supervised weight loss program.  These key messages are consistent with those taught in the IAPAM’s Physician hCG Training (
1.  Physician Supervision for patients undergoing an hCG Program is essential.
2.  Never buy hCG over the internet.  Only use pharmaceutical grade hCG as prescribed by a physician. hCG that is not prescribed by a physician is homeopathic hCG and has been found to only contain trace amounts of real hCG. 
3.  Successful weight loss using hCG requires that the patient follow a proven hCG protocol precisely.
Dr. Oz comments, in his article in First Magazine, that “there are some real legitimate folks out there who seem to have success with this,” protocol, which “dates back to the 1950’s when “Dr. A.T.W. Simeons claimed that human chorionic gonadotrophin [hCG], a hormone produced during pregnancy to ensure a fetus gets necessary nutrients, could also promote weight loss….by simultaneously suppressing appetite while helping the boy burn fat.”
Dr. Oz acknowledges that while hCG is not currently approved by the FDA for weight loss, “sometimes it’s because the science hasn’t caught up. When we see real people do things that work, we in the medical profession have to pay attention.”  The IAPAM agrees and can report that over 10,000 patients have lost or are currently loosing weight under the care of the more than 350 physicians who have completed the IAPAM’s hCG Training in the safe delivery of hCG for weight loss.
To date, all of the IAPAM’s 2010 and 2011 hCG Medical Weight Management seminars have sold out, so to register for the next hCG Training session in Scottsdale, Arizona, please go to, or contact the IAPAM at or 1-800-219-5108 ext 708.
About the  International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine
The International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine is a voluntary association of physicians and supporters, which sets standards for the aesthetic medical profession. The goal of the association is to offer education, ethical standards, credentialing, and member benefits. IAPAM membership is open to all licensed medical doctors (MDs), dentists (DDSs/DMDs) doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs),  physicians assistants (PA’s) and nurse practitioners (NP’s).  Information about the association can be accessed through IAPAM’s website at or by contacting:

Jeff Russell, Executive-Director
International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine (IAPAM)
1-800-219-5108 x708

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