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New drug makes Botox effects last longer

July 25, 2012 |

An accidental medical discovery can make the effects of Botox last 30 percent longer, according to a Houston doctor.

Many people know Botox as a beauty enhancer that erases age lines and leaves the skin looking smooth and youthful. But for thousands of people, it is a sanity saving treatment for very real medical conditions.

Wesley Paulk said he could hardly drive, work or even see because of his severe eye spasms.

“I went with my eyes taped open. I took medical tape and taped my eyelids to my eyebrows,” Paulk said. “They’d get to spasming so much and blinking that I couldn’t control them, and they would shut and I couldn’t open them.”

Diagnosed with blepharo disease, Paulk has spent the past decade visiting Dr. Charles Soparkar, an ocular plastic surgeon and biochemist, for Botox treatments four times a year—but not anymore.

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Source: on July 24, 2012 at

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