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Obesity Disease Center Presents the History of Obesity

June 24, 2010 |

Obesity did not exist until humans started living in houses, domesticating animals, and farming the land. Americans think that obesity is a lifestyle choice. Maybe not. Could it be a disease that has been passed down from our forefathers? 

There was a time, not so long ago, that obesity was considered a sign of health, wealth, and beauty. It is widely known today that this is not the case. Obesity has many dangerous side effects such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. At no other time in history has obesity been as widespread as it is right now.

Why? What is the reason for this spike in obesity? Is it lifestyle? Is it laziness? Do we just not care about ourselves anymore? What is the problem?

Obesity probably dates back to Neolithic times beginning about 8000 years ago. That was the first time in history that man began to own property, domestic animals, and live in houses. Before that time obesity was almost non-existent. Today obesity is extremely common among all civilized races because it is a disorder that can be inherited.

Until recently there were only two ways of having the disorder of obesity. One was to inherit it and the other was to have an extreme shock to your body. The founder of obesity disease, Dr. Simeons, observed Polish Jews as they returned from prison camps. Once they started to eat normally again, they became obese. There obesity rate was nearly 85 percent.

In today’s world there is another way of contracting obesity disease. It is in our food. One food industry insider observed that there are over 15,000 different chemicals in our food. This toxic sludge includes such things as MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and genetically modified organisms. These chemicals do not break down in our bodies the same way that regular food does, causing our bodies to become damaged and out of balance.

For example, MSG will cause the neurons in our brains to die. The death of these neurons will cause the body to want to preserve itself. It will go into the survival mode and store as much fat as possible. It will not release that fat. It is the body’s natural reaction when it thinks it is going to die. However, the body will never go back and get the stored fat causing us to be hungry and gain more weight.

This cycle is never broken unless we do something to break it. There are only three ways to break this cycle. One is extreme exercise. This is time-consuming and can be dangerous. The other is gastric bypass surgery. This is very expensive and also dangerous. The last is hCG. HCG is not easy, but it is the best way to access this stored fat. HCG actually targets stored fat and flushes it from the body.

For those serious about weight loss, hCG could be the answer they are looking for.


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