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Study: Nearly half drop out of weight-loss programs

August 2, 2012 |

Nearly half of participants in weight-loss programs drop out before  completing them, according to a new study.

The researchers found that 43 percent of participants in one weight-loss  program — including some who underwent bariatric surgery — dropped out of the program before  dropping the desired pounds.

Among participants who had undergone the surgery, the drop-out rate was 12  percent, while the rate was 54 percent among those who had not undergone the  surgery.

These drop-out rates are in line with those seen in other studies, and they  are a barrier to reducing obesity rates, the researchers said.

The big difference between the drop-out rates of those who underwent surgery  and those who didn’t may yield clues to what motivates people to stay in their  programs, the researchers said.

Read the full article at

Source:  by Susan E. Matthews for MyHealthyNewsDaily at

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