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Weight Maintenance Tips for Eating Healthy in 2011

January 12, 2011 |

The IAPAM is committed to educating physicians in the industry’s best practices for medical weight loss management. In support of this commitment, the IAPAM completed a survey of several experts in the use of hCG in a medically supervised weight loss program.  As part of its research, the IAPAM reports on the following tips for healthy weight maintenance in 2011.

Tips for Weight Maintenance 

Once your have reached your goal weight, use these tips to help them maintain your new weight:

  • Don’t eat family style, you’re much more likely to eat more than you would if you placed the correct portion size on a plate.
  • Healthy restaurant menus may not be so healthy. You’re likely to underestimate a meal’s calorie total by more than a third, according to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research. Read “Eat This, Not That” to find some of the best restaurant options.
  • Alcohol makes you hungry (limit it to one or two glasses per meal)
  • Restaurant portions are way too big, your choices are: (1) eat an appetizer, or (2) split an entre (either with another diner, or bring the other half home for another meal).
  • Beware of office goodies. The office can be a source of 10-20lbs of fat per year. Skip the cakes, donuts, candies, and chocolates.
  • Portion out your snacks. If you are going to have chips, read the bag and fill a bowl with a serving, then put the big bag away so you can’t see it.
  • Hungry an hour after a meal? Have a glass of water, or go for a brisk walk.
  • Display fruits, not sweets. Get rid of the glass covered sweets display, and replace it with a fruit bowl.
  • Researchers at the University of Massachusetts discovered that people who watched TV while they ate consumed nearly 300 more calories than those who dined without an eye on the tube.
  • Slow down while you eat. If you consciously stop to take a breath between bites, you can cut your food (and calorie) intake by 10 percent, according to researchers at the University of Rhode Island. It takes 20 minutes for the news that you’ve had enough to eat to travel from your gut to your brain. Another tip, try talking more between bites.
  • Plan for a morning and afternoon snack. An apple travels well, other ideas include the proper portion of nuts (i.e. almonds), protein bars, protein shakes.
  • When making pasta, reduce the pasta and load up on meat and vegetables (tomatoes, onion, carrots, red peppers, zucchini, etc..)
  • Replace fruit juice with a homemade smoothie made from fruit (frozen or fresh). Quick recipe: 1/2c blueberries, 1 banana, 1 Tbsp peanut butter and/or 1 scoop of whey powder, 2 Tbsp quick cook oats, 1 1/2 cup skim milk.
  • Drink from tall, thin glasses, you’ll think you are drinking more than you really are (especially of you are drinking fruit juices)
  • Replace fried food with baked. For the breading, use Panko (Japanese style bread crumbs), egg whites, and a small amount of skim milk as a batter.

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